A Life Group is a group of two or three people, of the same gender, that wants to disciple others, and be discipled. The intent of our Life Groups is to increase our faith, build a strong sense of community and accountability in our church, and to really get to know each other.
What is a life group?
- Life Groups meet face-to-face weekly, with possible virtual options, if needed.
- Groups encourage each other often about the Scripture they’re reading, and by sharing praises and prayer requests.
- Groups are encouraged by the leadership team to read a chapter a week in the book Discipleship Essentials by Greg Ogden, in order to strengthen their walks with God, and each other.
- After completing Discipleship Essentials, groups are encouraged to begin a Two Year Bible Reading Plan together.

During the Two Year Bible Reading Plan, groups explore questions such as:
- What is God teaching me through Scripture?
- What questions do I have about Scripture?
- How am I responding to the Holy Spirit’s prompting through Scripture?
- Is there someone I need to share Christ with?
- Do I have any sin or struggles that I need to share and ask for help with?
interested in life groups?
let us know!
We invite you to learn more! Send us a message and we’d love to tell you more about Disciple Together’s Life Groups!