10 practices of a micro church
Learn more about micro churches.

Daily Bible Reading
(Acts 17:11) More than anything we want people to be lovers of the person of Jesus. Far too often in the church we have become lovers of sermons, lovers of ministry, lovers of good books, lovers of community; but are we primarily in love with God, by Himself? A church cannot be successful or healthy if the people are not personally meeting with and enjoying God consistently. The greatest command is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, so this must be our greatest priority as leaders, to point people towards Jesus and loving Him with everything they have.
We have structured things to try to build a culture of people spending time with God every single day for themselves. Many Christians look to Sunday morning as the time where they will be “fed” by someone preaching a sermon, but we expect everyone in our church to read through the same portion of Scripture (we read the two year Bible reading plan found in you version) during the week each day. This is the primary place that we are “fed”, through spending time with God in His word and in prayer. Then as we are doing life together we can easily discuss the Scripture we are all reading. When we gather as a church, rather than a pastor preaching a sermon, he will lead discussion around what everyone read through the week. This helps push people away from coming to consume, but instead sets the expectation that we should be bringing insight from our personal time with the Lord throughout the week.

House Churches
(Acts 20:20, Romans 16:3,5, Colossians 4:15) If you had no history or exposure to the church at all other than reading the New Testament, what would you expect to see if someone invited you to a gathering of a church? We’ve thought about this question a lot. Based on the more than 50 “one another” commands in the New Testament, we would expect to see a lot of love between Christians when they gather. Based on the way Paul describes the church in 1 Corinthians and Ephesians, we would expect to see various people contributing their spiritual gifts and interacting together. We’d picture people living like a true family inside and outside of the gathering. We’d expect to see a lot of smiling, a lot of hugging, a lot of crying together, a lot of meals shared, and a lot of life connection throughout the week. We wouldn’t picture a huge auditorium or rows or a stage or everyone being quiet while just a few people lead. We’re not saying it’s wrong to do this, but the question becomes if our structures undermine or contribute towards God’s commands in Scripture, especially those which are emphasized and repeated? And if there are more than 50 “one another” commands that call us to radical, intimate, deep love for each other, why would the thing we call “church” be something where we don’t interact or know each other?
In order to help us truly love each other, we’ve committed to having churches of 10-25 people who meet in a home. We’ve seen that once we get to 30 or 50 or 100 people in a church it becomes increasingly more difficult to live like a family, truly know each other, carry each other’s burdens, and build each other up. Now many churches will do this in the form of a community group which is great, but far too often people view a Sunday morning big gathering as the primary context of church and the community group as something that is optional for those who want to opt into loving one another. For us we want to ensure that anyone who joins our church cannot choose whether or not they want to opt in, and therefore the primary context of church for them is a spiritual family of 10-25 people.

Everyone Being Discipled
(Matt. 28:19-20, 2Timothy 2:2) Another reason we want the entry point to joining our church to be in the context of a small, intimate, intentional group of believers is so that there is no room to hide. Our world, influenced by social media, is becoming more and more about looking like we’ve got it all together even while things are falling apart. Without intentionality, we will do the same thing in the church, pretending to be free of sin while our soul is dying inside. But the only way we can keep up this charade is if we keep people at a safe distance. The minute things get up close and personal, the real stuff starts spilling out.
One of the primary responsibilities of our leaders is to ensure that everyone in their church is being discipled. This means that each person in the church is consistently experiencing people poke and prod into their lives. It means that each person is expected to be transparent with at least a few other believers in the church (life transformation groups) about the things they otherwise desperately try to hide, and that those believers walk them through healing, repentance, and believing the promises of God. There shouldn’t be any room for people to hide or just “attend church” when everyone is being discipled for life and ministry.

Everyone Disciples
(Heb. 5:12, Titus 2:4) Discipleship is hard and messy. It involves intentionally getting to know someone, having hard conversations at points when sin is evident, working through conflict, spending extra time with them when life gets hard, etc. Our temptation in the church has been to replace discipleship with various other programs. If there is a married couple struggling, we might often suggest they read a book, enroll in a marriage class, or go on a retreat. But what they need most is older couples who love Jesus to come alongside of them to walk with them through life’s challenges. Though these programs could be helpful, we often hide behind them and ignore our responsibility to make disciples, which includes teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded. Jesus modeled discipleship to His twelve, and then He told them to go and do likewise in Matthew 28. You cannot be discipled without, in turn, discipling others.
Being a part of micro church includes taking responsibility for others. We will intentionally restrain ourselves from starting classes or programs that could start making people feel like discipleship isn’t needed as much. It’s not that these programs would be bad, but they might undermine what is best and most important. In our church the leaders are not responsible for discipling everyone, but rather they will each disciple a few and then ensure that those disciples are also discipling a few. And for those who are new to the faith, though they might not be fully responsible for the spiritual care of another person, they are actively engaging in discipleship relationships and being trained to take responsibility for others.

Multiplying Leaders
(Eph. 4:11-12) When you have too many kids and not enough parents, you end up with orphanages. In orphanages, kids usually don’t receive the love and care that they need to grow in emotional, physical, and spiritual health. We want to make sure the church functions like a family rather than an orphanage. In order to ensure this we must prioritize leadership development (developing new spiritual parents). Jesus consistently displayed in His life that the disciples were His priority over the crowds. He knew that the long term health of the church was dependent on raising up new leaders. Yet in the church today we often make the mistake of prioritizing the crowds over the small group of leaders in training. When we do that, we become more and more of an orphanage rather than a family.
How many people can two church leaders faithfully shepherd and care for deeply? We feel that number will usually be in the 10-25 range. Once it gets above that, people start getting neglected and falling through the cracks. So we must be developing leaders at the same pace that we want our church to grow. If we are asking God to save people in our community, are we also asking Him to help us raise up leaders to shepherd those people? Not only did Jesus prioritize the twelve, but He even placed an even deeper focus on the three, Peter, James, and John. We want our church leaders to do similarly, overseeing the spiritual care for the church of 10-25 but then also placing an even deeper focus of discipleship on the two or three who show potential to be the next leaders. Our leaders should be most closely connected with that small group. We always pair a leader in training with an experienced leader for the sake of training, with the goal that the new leader will be ready to lead another church and leader in training within a year or 18 months. When identifying the next leaders we are looking for the character that we see listed in 1 Timothy and Titus, rather than a specific gifting that we often equate to leadership.

Everyone is a Missionary
(2Cor 5:18-21) Jesus’ life was not about career, family, money, worldly success, traveling, etc. Though he dealt with those things, ultimately He was sent by God to the earth solely for the purpose of the mission of God. In John 17:18, Jesus speaks of the disciples in His prayer to God, saying “as you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” In verse 20 He makes clear that He is not just praying for the twelve disciples, but rather for all who will eventually believe in Him. So according to Jesus, our purpose on the earth is the same as His: We’ve been sent. Our life and everything in it is for the purpose of the mission of God. Yet are we living like that? Is that the expectation in our churches? Or do we lower the bar?
We are all missionaries. As a church structurally we try to fight the temptation to create ministries or programs or events that make things feel more like a country club than a training ground. As was mentioned earlier, Jesus will draw people and we don’t need to make things attractive or easy. Actually if we do that we will undermine the level of commitment within the church, which undermines everything, but especially our missional perspective. We do evangelism together as house churches and regularly encourage and dialogue about our evangelism throughout our weeks, whether it be to classmates or co-workers or neighbors. We encourage each other to B.L.E.S.S. others, which stands for Begin with prayer, Listen, Eat, Serve, and Share.

Everyone Exercises Gifts
(1 Cor. 12:7) Paul said “to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good”. He then goes on to list many different types of gifts that the Spirit gives to believers for the sake of the body. Next he explains how every part of the body is needed, and that we must be careful not to start to develop a mindset that some gifts are more necessary than others. So each believer has the Spirit and is needed in the body, but is that truly how we function in the church? Does every single believer in a church realize that they are just as needed and important as anyone else in the church? Or do they tend to think that the preacher and worship leader are more important and needed?
We have intentionally structured things to create space for everyone in the body to contribute in the gatherings and in everyday life. The leaders have an important calling to lead and shepherd, but it doesn’t mean that they are the only voice that needs to be heard. This is one reason we don’t have long monologue sermons in our house gatherings. We don’t want anyone one person to dominant things. Our leaders lead discussion, and a big task for them is to draw people into utilizing their gifts. Paul says in Ephesians 4:16 that the “whole body… grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its work”. Again we see him emphasizing the importance of “each part” working. It’s how we grow to maturity. Are we creating the space necessary though for “each part” to feel like they can be used by God to encourage and build others up? Or have we made our churches so professional and impressive that only the polished few can contribute?

Regular Multiplication of Churches (6-18 mo.)
(Acts 9:31) So many churches begin small, relational, discipleship focused, and healthy but aren’t able to maintain those characteristics as numeric growth happens. Before they know it, they have become more and more of a machine rather than a healthy family. Meeting in homes sounds great, but what happens as the church grows? How does a church adapt as the Lord adds to their number? One word: Multiplication. The true fruit of an apple tree isn’t apples, but rather more apple trees. The true fruit of a strong leader is not followers, but more strong leaders. The true fruit of a healthy church is not congregants, but more healthy churches. God has designed the world to be one that reproduces and multiplies. The apple trees that can’t multiply are ones that are genetically modified. We have too many GMO churches, and not enough reproducing churches.
As mentioned earlier, we place a high premium on leadership development largely because we are preparing to multiply each year and need new leadership ready to step up to care for the new believers that have been added. We multiply for a few reasons. First, in order to preserve the healthy number of 10-25 people in a church as mentioned earlier. Second, to prioritize the mission of God over our own comfort. When we do church like this we fall in love with each other and hate the idea of separating from half of the family we’ve been a part of for a 6-18 months. But for the sake of going to new area, making room for new people to join, keeping things healthily small, and raising up new leaders we are willing to do it. In order to be able to multiply effectively, we must structure our churches in a way that is reproducible. Churches where one or two people are always on the stage leading with big budgets and amazing programs are not reproducible. Our leaders have to be intentional to lead well, but also not to make people too dependent on them so that when it comes time to multiply, people have no problem going with the new leader even if his “gifting” isn’t as strong. Effective leadership always involves allowing others to have opportunity to lead, and it is imperative in the multiplication process.

Simple Gatherings
(1 Cor 2:3-5) When things started getting out of control in Corinth, Paul reminded them of how he started the church. In 1 Corinthians 2 he states that he intentionally held back from using “eloquence”, “human wisdom”, and “wise and persuasive words” when starting and building the church there. He didn’t want their walk with Jesus to be built on anything other than the power of the gospel message of Jesus. He then goes on to describe himself in chapter three as a wise, master builder in how he approached building the church. Likewise Jesus was unwilling to draw people with anything other than Himself. In John 6 people are coming after Jesus because He provided them with food, and so in response Jesus refuses to give them physical food anymore to make sure that only those who really want to follow Jesus with everything will remain. Are we willing to do the same in our churches? Are we willing to strip everything away if necessary to make sure people are being drawn by Jesus and Jesus alone?
Like Paul and Jesus, we try to be very intentional that we aren’t drawing people in with anything other than Jesus. There is no impressive service. The church isn’t built on an impressive leader. We don’t have any paid staff or impressive programs to draw people with. Those strategies are not reproducible because they are dependent on certain personalities or talents, rather than the power of the Spirit. The main thing you get in joining Disciple Together Fellowship is Jesus and belonging to the community of believers He has formed. Where some church conferences are about how to create impressive strategies to draw people and build the church numerically, we are resolved to not offer anything other than Jesus and His people. Jesus will build His church. Paul knew it. Jesus knew it. Let’s not do anything different.

Sharing Possessions
(Acts 2:42-47) According to Paul, non-believers are marked by a focus on earthly things and Christians are marked by eagerly awaiting Jesus because their citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:19-20). Throughout the New Testament, when we see Christians we see people who are so excited about their hope of eternal life with God on the new earth that they care very little about their possessions and life here. Their lives are “hidden with Christ in God” (Col 3:3). We should hold things so loosely in light of this. Also, our love for each other in Jesus should be so deep that “if one part (of the body) suffers, every part suffers with it” (1 Cor 12:26). Though the early Christians were marked by their love for one another, that’s unfortunately not usually the marker of Christians today.
We want to make sure that we are talking about eternity a lot in our churches to help us remember and meditate on the hope that we have in Jesus. We also want to structure things in such a way to not allow people to isolate away from other people and their problems. We won’t meet needs if we don’t know people and their needs. It starts with depth of relationship. This is why we meet in homes and prevent churches from getting too large. The bigger it gets, the harder it is to truly live like family and care for each other the way we are called to.